Beside producing work for public exhibition i have, since the very beginning of my artistic carreer, been also making things for myself, paintings and sculptures or projects of other nature not meant to ever be shown anywhere else than my house or studio. Works that i'd regard as maybe a bit too intimate and personal to deserve people's interest, nevertheless ... The drawings and sculptures in "Dicembre 2039" belong to this typology of work. The show consists of a series of 5 very large scale drawings and a few small sculptures derived from them (tridimensionally depicting objects and things in the drawings). When I first started this "private project" back in 2003 the basic idea was to dedicate an intricate drawing to the inner world of each member of my closest family as immagined from my point of view. That meant that each one of us (i'm one of my closest family's members!) would have to have their own drawing and that it should have been of large dimensions so to allow all the corners of their personalities to be shown. The main subjects came from family photo albi while the rest of the things surrounding them came mostly from old sculptural works of mine. The sculptures in the show, though, aren't the original ones (that got lost or destroied over the years) but rather copies of the drawn copies.
Some of the drawings got seriously damaged, over the years, too, so the five in the show are the only remaining ones.
There is so much more to be told about the works in this show and it would take me so long to write the whole odyssey they have been through that I'll stop here for now.
Max Wigram Gallery
24 november - 22 december 2010
the picture below has nothing to do with the above text, of course...
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